Facebook Desktop Login Page

Android devices show the mobile version of Facebook by default. It additionally does this with Twitter. The mobile internet site for Facebook appears whenever you browse from any browser. However, to access the Facebook Desktop Login Page, you can try the following.

Facebook Desktop Login Page

Access Facebook Full Site

1. Log in to your Facebook account making use of the mobile version of the web site.
2. Now kind "http://www.facebook.com/home.php" in your browser.
3. The Full desktop version of Facebook need to present in the web browser.

Usage Chrome To Open Facebook Full Site on Android

1. First of all, download as well as set up Google Chrome for Android.
2. Then, introduce the browser.
3. Click or tap the "Menu" switch in the upper-right edge, after that pick "New Incognito Tab"
4. In the Incognito Chrome tab, see any other website apart from Facebook.
5. Select the "Menu" switch in the upper-right corner, then pick "Request desktop Site"
6. Now see facebook.com in the Incognito tab. The desktop version of Facebook should display.

Please note that if you have the Facebook Mobile App on your Android smart device or tablet that these suggestions may not work. You need to make a decision whether you want to uninstall the application or adhere to the mobile version.

With these suggestions, you can watch the Full, non-mobile Facebook Site as well as have accessibility to all the features you would carry your computer right from your Android. Also, it enables you to use FB messaging from the mobile internet browser without having to utilize the Carrier app.