Deleted Messages On Facebook

Deleted Messages On Facebook: Facebook messages commonly hold much more secrets than you could imagine. Whether it is a general chat in between close friends, memes traded, or archived previous connection history, it is essential to delete facebook messages once in a while. Whatever you are trying to tidy, it is difficult to erase all conversations and message history from your Facebook profile. Since Facebook changed the messaging solution to a very new app called the Carrier, the procedure has actually become more difficult compared to thought.

Deleted Messages On Facebook

Deleting Facebook messages is a slow as well as cumbersome process. You have to open up specific messages, pick choices, and also select the messages you intend to remove. So, when you have over hundreds of messages, the process ends up being time-consuming and irritating.

Archive Messages: A "Slow" Method of Deleting Facebook Messages

1. Open Up Facebook Messages
2. Select Messages to Archive

However, the messages you archive is not erased permanently; actually, all messages re-appear the moment the same person messages you once again.

Delete One Message at once

To erase messages individually from Facebook, you need to open each message separately. To do this:

1. Click Actions button
2. Select Delete Messages
3. Check boxes show up against all the messages with the buddy
4. Select messages you intend to delete by clicking on the Checkbox
5. Click Delete On
6. Or, you can Click Delete All switch